The weather is finally shaping up in Connecticut.
The temps were actually in the 90’s here the other day. Kind of a freak thing. One extreme or the other it seems these days. I rode the 350 all week last week and it felt like summer temps during the day. Little rain here and there doesn’t ruin my day either. I’ve had plenty of stuff to take care of in the shop.
I, for one, don’t mind it getting warm out at all.

The wise old owl.
I’m not a typical Nutmegger in that respect. I tend to complain very little about the weather all winter, and then almost never about the warm weather. You won’t typically hear the “hot enough for ya?” crap from me. Sometimes, the super cold days of winter and the snow gets on my nerves. But, this brings me to my next point…
If you don’t like it, leave! Pretty straight forward.
There are a ton of things besides the weather that make a place either great or shitty to live in. But, being a guy that likes to ride motorcycles, having a four to five month month period of the year when there’s snow doesn’t make any place sound too desirable.
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in whatever kind of web we have woven where we are at, we forget that it’s not very hard to just go build another web.
I’m not a social commentator, and the last thing I want to do is get political in any way, but CT has plenty of other check marks in the shitty column than I really care to tolerate at this point.
A matter of personal opinion? Yeah, to some extent that’s probably true, but it’s no less true to me!
So I’ve decided to take off and head out of New England for a while.
I am not entirely sure where I am going, as this whole scenario has caught even me a bit off guard. You see, before the last few months, I was just doing my thing. Working for a corporate company, and frankly, doing quite well by most standards.
I had saved some of my money for a while and was ready to pursue the purchase of my first home.
I had a cool loan guy named Paul. A real estate dude named Dave. We were going to find me the perfect place for me to “grow into.” Yeah, their words not mine.
I’m single, I have no kids, I don’t even have a dog. But, somehow there’s no shortage of folks that seem to think I’m nuts not to jump into a 3 bedroom 2 bath raised ranch… nice and close to that good job of mine.
I don’t want a house to grow into.
That sounds more like something for a young family, or maybe a hermit crab than something for me.
It took me a little while to see the light, but I had one of those 2am-starring-at-ceiling moments in bed, and that was it. I don’t HAVE to or NEED to do anything.
I am and have been more free than most people can possibly imagine. I’m not sentenced to spend my life chained to a cubicle job. I can do anything. Its really that simple. All it takes is action.

Random inspirational nature picture.
Well, now is the time for action. Before a mortgage is involved in the equation. Before a mortgage turns into a wife, and two car payments. Before I need someone to watch my dog or water my garden. Its time to make a change now or it might never happen.
All that I have had holding me back was this idea of what I should be doing, or what I’m supposed to do.
Well, I am going to think outside the box a little more. If I think about what gets me down and what makes me stressed and emotionally worn out, it mainly stems from my daily routine of going to work. The dreaded rat race. I can feel it wearing on me, and when I have these moments of introspection, I realize that I’m letting life pass me by.
Before I get sucked into a never ending struggle of making money to pay off more bills, I want to take some time to appreciate what I have accomplished this far, and to plan a next step that will be fulfilling and exciting. I am really lucky to be able to open my eyes and realize the opportunity I have to live a life that makes me happy though, and I am thankful for that.
More on where I will be heading and what the hell I’m doing very soon!
Get on Facebook and Instagram with us and like, share, comment, follow etc… it means a lot! Also, if you live near by I’ll be posting some bikes for sale soon as well, stay tuned.
Thanks for following along.